Greg Hoffman



Hoffman Joins Thompson Group as E-Commerce Marketing Manager

My month-long journey to find the next greatest job came to a soft and smooth landing this morning when The Thompson Group made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I am joining their team on Monday as E-Commerce Marketing Manager. I'll report to Michael Masse, Director of E-Commerce and Web Technology.

The Thompson Group includes Thompson & Co. (Cigars), Casual Living U.S.A. (Gift Items), The Linen Source Inc. (Linens), and Cafe Belmondo LLC (Coffee).

I've been very successful up until now in Marketing Communications and Public Relations, but I've always said I wouldn't know what I could do if I worked for a company with a real budget. Now is my chance.

My family and friends have given me great support. I thank them for that. I also want to thank Denise O'Berry for her sage wisdom and guidance.

Ahhhh. (Sigh of Relief)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Greg. Having just gone through a change in jobs, I have a good idea of just how stressfull the transition can be. Just don't let it take too much time away from blogging.

1:45 PM  

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