Greg Hoffman



Security Awareness Blog Nominated for 2005 Business Blogging Awards

Seminole, FL February 7, 2005 -- The Security Awareness Blog for “Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless” has been nominated for the prestigious categories of “Best Overall” and “Best Tech Company” in the 2005 Business Blogging Awards. Voting online is open to the public until Feb. 16 at

This is the first ever awards of its kind as business blogs became more popular in 2004. The Security Awareness blog was created in June of 2004 as a new tool for Winn Schwartau’s Security Awareness Company (Interpact Inc.) to communicate with its audience.

Blog regulars find up-to-date computer security information and tips from The Security Awareness Company team and commentaries from other top experts in the Information Security Industry. The eight-month-old blog can be found at:

“It’s great that we’ve been recognized as one of the best business blogs. That means we really are creating a “security aware” culture of computer users,” said Winn Schwartau, president of The Security Awareness Company. “It’s the people, not just the technology that will limit computer security threats in the future.”

The Security Awareness blog has an Atom formatted XML site feed for syndication and news readers, along with other standard RSS feeds. The blog also has a convenient email update for opt-in subscribers, which is normally sent twice a week, Schwartau added.

Founded by Winn Schwartau, The Security Awareness Company (Interpact, Inc), offers a range of information security services for today's organizations, both government and commercial. Interpact assists in securing, protecting and maintaining information technology systems and the integrity of client and proprietary resources through security awareness training online, newsletters and creative artwork and materials. We focus on the people, not the technology. For more information on InterPact, please visit or call (727) 393-6600.

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