Greg Hoffman



Corporate Blogging is growing as well

Blogs' Power Stretches Far Beyond Politics
By Chris Nolan
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I agree with Chris Nolan about the power of blogs.

Last summer, our security awareness company, Interpact, decided to invest time and resources to create an online community of "security aware" readers. We affectionately call it Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless.

Everyday, we post articles and columns about computer, people and physical security threats to help our blog visitors recognize that they can make a difference in combating these threats. We mix in rants and raves on various topics from our staff, including our company president, Winn Schwartau, and we talk about other vendors and news topics in the information security industry.

The key to corporate blogging is not to sell, sell, sell: the key is to give our target audience information they need to help themselves. It also gives us a chance to connect with them in a way that didn't exist before blogs. We are constantly receiving positive feedback on the phone, by email and at tradeshows.

Finally, if there wasn't a demand for the content, we wouldn't be blogging and given the activity, we don't plan to stop blogging anytime soon. Here's the blog address:

Greg Hoffman
Chief Marketing Officer
Interpact Inc.


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