Greg Hoffman



Internet Marketing Super Group Expands

We have taken the membership of the Internet Marketing Super Forum through Yahoo Groups to almost 300 members. We have just a few more slots open before we really start monitoring who joins.
The Internet Marketing Super Group is intended for anyone involved in Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Advertising, Affiliate Marketing, Shopping Engine Placement, Online Public Relations, Banner/Text-Link Ads, Email Marketing and most importantly, new channels such as Business Blogs and social networking.
Join today and participate in the Q&A.

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For you Gregg Hoffman Fans, buy the Saw Trilogy on Amazon

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Hello Myspace, Goodbye Pam Anderson

An interesting article by on the rise of searches for "MySpace". I can say that I helped that trend by creating two pages of my own - Marketing Gorilla and Cigars and Coffee. You don't really think all the information on MySpace pages is true do you? Well at least one of my pages is honest.

Read the article 'MySpace' the Top Search Term in 2006.




Shopping online with the Marketing Gorilla

LinkShare  Referral  Prg

I decided to take my own advice and join some Linkshare affiliate programs. Please click on the newest sponsors of this humble blog and show me what it's like to be an affiliate. I've been on the Merchant side with my current company long enough to get the big picture.

If you want to join my programs, check out Thompson Affiliate Blog.

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I like my hot sauce with a little food (McIlhenny Company)

Anyone that knows me, knows that from an early age, I paid more attention to what goes on the food than what the food actually was. Tabasco sauce was a favorite to keep my friends from stealing my fries at lunch time. However, by the end of senior year in high school, all my friends liked hot sauce on fries.

So here's to you high school friends, buy some Tabasco and put it on your fries for old time sake.

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Blogger 2 still sucks

Someone from my Google Adwords team graciously fixed my CigarBlog101 problems, no thanks to Blogger help. I tried to resist converting again to the new version but Blogger was determined to bring me to the dark side. They gave me the option of using my login once, then forced me to convert.

Luckily, all of my blogs have converted successfully and there are no more problems. But man was that a hassle. It couldn't have been just me.

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The New Version Of Blogger Sucks

The Marketing Gorilla Blog has been converted to the new version of blogger without any hassles.

However, the Cigar Blog is dead in the water. Blogger converted the main login and the blog to the new version, but they don't match up. When I login with the main account, the Cigar Blog doesn't show up in the dashboard, nothing does. So I click the help button and it tells me to look for other aliases under that email login. THERE AREN'T ANY. But that's the only solution they offer to this problem.

I've posted on the Blogger Group Help forum along with 14 million others to no avail.

I've sent three messages to Blogger asking for help and today's response was the best... Mailbox unknown or not accepting mail.
550 5.2.1 ... Mailbox disabled for this recipient
Where is Matt Cutts when I need him? Who else can help???

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Cash Flow - The Secret of Small Business Success Book Review


Denise O'Berry just told me her book came out in October! I had no idea. Read the editorial review from Amazon:

Every small business is different, but most small business owners have a lot in common. They have a great entrepreneurial idea, as well as the drive and passion to make it happen, but they often lack the basic financial skills they need to succeed. Worst of all, they don't understand the vital importance of cash flow in keeping theirbusinesses healthy.

This uniquely practical guide shows why cash flow is hugely important to small businesses like yours. Cash flow is a sign of your business's health and success; and it can be adjusted through simple actions that have a big impact on your ultimate success or failure. Small Business Cash Flow will help you master all the important information and skills you need to keep your cash flowing in the right amounts and directions.

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Sticks of Fire - A Tampa Blog

I've been meaning to write this for about a year - might as well start now.

Sticks of Fire is a Tampa blog that linked to us early on when the Marketing Gorilla Blog started two years ago. If I had time to read it everyday, I'd probably be motivated to write for it everyday. They have some great contributors and they offer a unique citizen journalist viewpoint to life in the Tampa Bay area.

Keep writing Sticks of Fire.

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The Marketing Gorilla Myspace Test

Earlier in the year some colleagues convinced me to test I had problems finding the right layout but thanks to some helpful friends, I found my theme. The Marketing Gorilla myspace page started out slowly but I saw the potential for a sales channel for Thompson Group.

Thus, the Cigars and Coffee page was created. We had sales within the first 24 hours. Not many since then, but at least I proved it could be done. We have picked up hundreds of friends rapidly. A total of 351 as of this post.

The goal is to use the viral network of friends to sell cigars and coffee to a new generation of customers. We've created some basic graphics to post on comment sections and that does generate new friend requests, but we need to tweak the sales process.

More to come on the myspace project.

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